Fan Fiction
Please send me your story in .txt format (Notepad), with an appropriate title and a short summary about the story. Or, if you have at story at, I would love to make a link to it. That way, readers can give a review to your story right on the spot! Include your name as well as an appropriate rating for your story. I accept any rating from G to R, so don't hesitate to send. I'm accepting poetry as well. You can also include your email and/or site URL, which is optional.
NOTE: I'm looking for quality fanfiction with detailed plot. Please, so sub-plot's. Also, I'm only looking for stories which are of the Jesse/Emma genre. I don't want other relationships revolving around the story, and it must be with both Jesse and Emma, not solo characters. Sorry for the strict guidelines, but because this is an Emma/Jesse shipper and I'm only searching for things that relate to the two of them in a relationship. I hope you understand! :)
Fan Art
I will only accept images in .jpg or .gif format. Anything is acceptable, except for porn which I doubt anybody would really create. For wallpapers, I accept any size. It'd be nice to have a variation. And remember, the same rule applies as for FanFiction. I only want Emma/Jesse art. No solo characters.
Does your work apply to the guidelines? Then send away!